Monday 23 September 2013

God knows

It's a better day family

It is in our nature to want to know everything and we feel so uncomfortable, anxious and fearful when we don't know things especially concerning our lives or the lives of our family or the future.

I was praying this one particular day about things concerning the future of my family when God said to me 'I know'. He took me to His word, Jeremiah 29:11. He said to me 'Be reassured that I know'.

This was a very comforting word to us because we don't know all the answers but God does. His plans & thoughts towards us are the best. So, because He knows, we can live in His safe arms knowing that He knows. Even if that is all we know, that's good enough for us to live a great life on this earth. 

My prayer for you today is that you rest in the knowledge that God knows.

God bless you & your family 

Love Heather

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